Ruth Crawford

Photo Documentary: 

The Elmhurst College Campus

As seen in the college yearbooks

The 1927 Elms

The 1928 Elms


Created by Dr. Mark Harbold

from The 1927 Elms
Elmhurst, Ill.: Elmhurst College, 1927

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Irion Hall
The School of Music
The Chapel
Old Main

Irion Hall—from The 1927 Elms

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The School of Music—from The 1928 Elms
(East end of Irion Hall)

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College Chapel—from The 1928 Elms
The back (north) side of Irion Hall

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Old Main Hall—from The 1927 Elms
(Taken near the School of Music entrance—east end of Irion Hall)

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  Page created by Mark Harbold 6/28/01—last updated 6/28/01.